Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We're 50

I know I am 3 days late. But you know how they say it's better late than never? Hehe.
These photos were actually taken during the first public rehearsal but were embargoed (self-embargo) for various reasons. Though the show that day was far from perfect, we still had fun. Before this parade, it was ages since I last saw a parade.

I like to go to the parade for nostalgic reasons. When I was little, my mum would have my brother and I queue up for tickets at the then National Stadium. We would get up at 5 or 6 in the morning, walk across the Kallang River and join the queue for the tickets. The 3 of us would then collect enough tickets to bring some of my other cousins and relatives along. It was great bonding time for the 3 of us. The joy and satisfaction of holding the tickets in your hands after long hours of queueing was indescribable. I think there is some truth when one interviewee mentioned in the national day video that queueing is a national past time for us. Haha.

There were many segments of this year's parade that I like; the vintage march past, the video tribute to LKY as well as the aerial display by the Air Force.

The helicopter fly past (with the Singapore flag) never fail to touch me. I don't know why either.

It has taken these guys 100 hours of training to perfect this 5-0 formation. It was quite a sight to behold at the parade grounds.

50 years is a long time. The journey hadn't been easy for our puny nation. But looking at the response of people at the parade, the souvenirs sold and the various activities organised for the SG50 celebrations, I think it is fair enough to say that we have fulfilled the vision espoused in the national day songs of earlier years. 

"We have a vision for tomorrow, just believe, just believe
We have a goal for Singapore, we can achieve, we can achieve.

You and me, we'll do our part, stand together, heart to heart
We're going to show the world what Singapore can be
We can achieve, we can achieve..."

I pray with all my heart that this SG50 celebration brings about a new dawn for the nation, for this is home truly!

Happy Birthday Singapore! You are 50!

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