Monday, July 12, 2010

Art For Art's Sake

For many years, I have been talking about learning oil painting. But I never got on to do it due to procrastination and the excuse of having no time and having too many things to do. I suppose this is common of human nature; the lack of time is a convenient excuse for all. Last month, I stumbled upon an art school in June and decided that if I really want to pick up the skill, I should just go ahead and do it; otherwise, I should just stop dreaming about it. Many people would shelve all these airy fairy plans to when they retire from their career. But the future is too far for me to tell what is going to happen then. What if I don't live long enough to retire? I would have missed the chance of picking up oil painting. We don't live for tomorrow; we live for today. So whatever you want to or plan to do, do it now. Leave no room for regrets. That's my simple philosophy for life.

And so, every Sunday, I spend 2.5 hours painting. Many around me assume that I do it to de-stress and to run away from work. But it is not. I just very simply and innocently want to learn to paint. That's all. And I am proud to say that after 3 weeks of hard work, I have finally completed my first piece - An idyllic afternoon. Below marks my progress over the weeks.

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

What should I paint next??

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