Thursday, August 11, 2016

Little girls are made up of sugar and spice and everything nice

It's been so long since I last posted in this space and so many things have transpired. Since 1 June, we've got our hands full taking care of Baby S. This small little being took up all our waking and sleeping time. Although frustrated at times, the fatigue and exhaustion are all forgotten when she flashes us her most charming smile. 

10 weeks doesn't seem such a long time, but Baby S has grown so much in this short period of time. From a newborn infant who just sleeps and eats, her unique personality and temperament is slowly developing. She now melts our hearts with her smiles and coos. 

Looking at her, I marvel at the grace and mercy of God. How could He have created such an amazing being! Thanks be to God! May Baby S continue to bring much joy and blessing to everyone around her!

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