Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hot Cross Bun

"Hot cross buns, hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns..."

I sang this song often as a young child, but never knew the meaning and significance of hot cross buns till I fell madly in love with it a couple of years ago. I love the aroma of the cinammon and citrusy smell in the bread. I have tried different hot cross buns from various bakeries and shops but found Ah Teng @ Raffles Hotel to be the best. Their buns are so soft and aromatic, especially when it's fresh from the oven. And it's not easy to get your hands on one cos they sell like hotcakes. Plus, they only make hot cross buns during the Easter season. Which historically speaking, is supposed to be the case.

I did some search and found that in many christian countries, hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross on the bun signifying crucifixion. According to some food historians, the buns are seen by some English Protestant monarchs as a dangerous hold over Catholicism and they attempted to ban the sale of the buns by bakers. But because the buns are so popular, they relented and allowed the sale of the bun only during Easter and X'mas.

Anyway, having a hot cross bun from Ah Teng = a happy me! Wishing all a Happy Easter! Most importantly, please do remember: We are redeemed from our sins today because of He who sacrificed more than 2000 years ago. Be thankful.

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