Sunday, October 2, 2011


the weekend. My weekends are always packed to the brim. The last I checked, almost all my weekends are booked for the next 2 months! Yesterday, a big part of the day was spent on grooming, i.e. facial and pedicure. Then it was a late lunch, church and dinner. And half the Sunday was gone just eating breakfast!? Then I was off to painting, grocery shopping and dinner. Although time passes by fast and furious, I am relishing every moment of it. And the purpose of the burger in the picture? It was the Japanese curry katsu burger from Relish, an offshoot restaurant of Wild Rocket. The katsu was meaty and solid but I thought it would taste better if they are more generous with the curry. I like the setup of the whole place; high ceilings and big windows that allow natural light to flow in, soft music and the place is not at all cluttered with tables and people. A great place to hang out after spa to relax. And I thought the name of the restaurant was really apt for some weekend dining. :p Hope you had a great weekend too!

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