Tuesday, October 4, 2011


As I am furiously marking exam scripts, I can't help but to recall what one of my students said to me before the exams officially started 2 days ago. It's so surprising and unbelievable that I thought it is worthy of a post.

It was the last period of the day and the last time we would have lessons together for the year. As the students scrambled out of class, a girl came up to me and softly said the words, "... thank you for all your hard work in teaching us..." I was stunned for a moment and thought I heard wrongly. I told her to repeat herself and she did. In my 5 years of teaching, I have had many great and wonderful students, but someone who actually bothers to think just how hard a teacher's work is, this is the first. I certainly hope it's not the last.

In this day and age where being appreciative, grateful and respectful is forgotten, this experience of mine was a welcome change. Perhaps, there is hope in this values and character education we are embarking afterall.

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