Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beauty in Black

Finally found time to visit this little fashion exhibition at the National Museum. When I think of black dresses, the picture of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast @ Tiffany's invariably comes to mind. The black Givenchy dress she wore in the film is the classic of classics for the LBDs. When I was little, I never understood why my mum always choose to buy her clothes in black. To me then, it was a bleak and lifeless colour. But as I grow up, I began to appreciate the colour a lot more. To many women, besides it being a colour easy to pull off for most skin tones and colours, it also signifies luxury, elegance and class; but most important, the colour always has this power to give an illusion of a slimmer figure, something essential for most of us. It is no wonder I started accumulating so many black dresses. The combination I like best is actually a simple LBD with a string of luxurious pearl necklace...

The exhibition showcased many well-known designers, both overseas and local and some of the pieces were even donated by the who's who of society. They range from Balanciaga and Kaiser Karl's designs down to local designers such as Benny Ong. It is not to say that the latter is a lesser designer than the former, of course. Each design is unique on its own and one really has to look at the context at the point of design, as well as the era. In the world of fashion, nothing stays constant; not even the LBDs. The LBDs have evolved over time; change is the only constant. Nonetheless, it is still interesting to look at the LBDs of the bygone eras.

My favourite LBD in the exhibition: a piece by local designer Benny Ong, created in the late 80s. It is a classic design still used today. What you can't see in this picture is the detail at the back of the dress where it has a little white bow to contrast with the black. I love little bows and knots in dresses....

And the quote that impresses me the most? This one at the bottom. Gives us another reason to go shopping again. LBD, anyone? Off to one of the world's most famous fashion capital tomorrow... can't wait for some good retail therapy...tata!

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