Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mango Tango

Recently, I have been a big fan of seasonal eating, i.e. eating according to what the season has to offer. Apparently, such eating philosophy has long been forgotten with the widespread availability of instant meals and canned food. People no longer know which food are seasonal. According to my quick research on the Internet and reading, eating according to the seasons has got many benefits. Not only can it help you lose weight and strengthen your immunity system, it also makes good economic sense as food that are in season tends to be cheaper due to its abundance at the particular period of time. It's amazing! All I can say is God really has everything planned out.

Now's the mango season and I have always been a big fan of this fruit. Seeing so many of them in the supermarket inspired me to try out this Japanese Mango Pudding recipe by Keiko Ishida. I am quite pleased with the overall taste but felt that it can be improved by making a better whipping cream the next time round. And before I forget, kudos to deardear for helping out with this dessert. It's officially the first dessert he has made (my co-chef :))Here's to you, dear!

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