Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bye Bye 2010; Hello 2011!

As a result of constant procrastination, I am only posting my end of year/new year post now - a delay of 3 full days. What have I been doing? Nothing much really. I spent almost an entire last day of Dec at home, drinking hot tea and curling up with a good book.

I never liked the idea of jostling with crowds in town for the countdown party. A departure from previous years, this year, we transited to 2011 by drinking the year away at the airport. I was determined to drink the last of my dark cherry mocha before the season is over!

In retrospect, 2010 had been a good year for me, esp. career wise. Many breakthroughs and new experiences. Personal life wise... it has been a year of travelling to many new and interesting places; dear dear is as loving as ever. I have nothing to complain about. And resolutions for the new year? Very simple actually...better work-life harmony (I am determined to knock off at 5 latest when it's a non-meeting day) so that I will have more time for my self pampering sessions at the spa and club; and hopefully when 2011 draws to an end, my work desk will still be as neat as it is now :)

We may not know what 2011 has in store for us but my wish for all who reads/ follows my blog is to be happy and positive no matter what challenges life brings on. Wishing all JOY. PEACE. LOVE & HOPE.

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