Monday, November 8, 2010

Kia Ora

Back from a 8 day school trip to kiwi-land. Kids are well-behaved and are able to perform above expectations and the country is simply too beautiful. Much learning has taken place for both us the teachers and them, the students. It was the most memorable school trip to date. I never expected to actually enjoy such a working trip. In fact, the trip reminded me of the time I went for a student immersion trip in Lyon, where I so enjoyed staying with a host family. And maybe because of that experience, I was not as afraid as the rest about the idea of homestay. The 3 nights with my New Zealand host allowed me to learn so much more about the kiwi culture, education system and even religious beliefs. Below is an outline of what we did during the trip.

Day 1 (30 Oct 2010): Depart Singapore for Auckland on a 10 hour plane ride on SQ.

Day 2 (31 Oct 2010):
Arrive in Auckland. Immediately made our way to Mahurangi College. Students and teachers to meet with our respective host families. Head back to host family's house for dinner and sleep. All kiwi families sleep by10pm and besides the usual family conversation and board games, there isn't much activities at night. Tonight, I had a dinner of roast lamb (from my host's parents' farm) and a variety of roasted vegetables (from my hosts' backyard). I was never a fan for lamb, but NZ lamb is different!

Day 3 (01 Nov 2010):
It's Monday and it's a school day. I went to school with my host (a Year 7 teacher). Lunch was prepared for me. It contained a ham and cheese sandwich, banana, grapes, apple and muesli bar. We also met with the school principal, received a very warm maori welcome by the school's
students, did some lesson observations, had a sharing session with some of the school's staff and ended the day with a staff dinner at Verity's house which has 3 cows, 7 chickens and a very fat cat. Very interesting house as we spent some time looking and chasing after the mother hens.

Day 4 (02 Nov 2010):
It's cockles day today. We spent some time out at the shore during low tide to measure the number and size of the cockles. The kids have to deduce and come up with an explanation as to why the size of cockles vary from one spot to another. We then had our lunch at Omaha Beach
and had a short stroll at the beach. After which, we went back to school and our hosts sent us to Warkworth (the nearest town) for some shopping while they have their meetings. Dinner tonight was a picnic for all the host families and our students at one of the nature reserves.

Day 5 (03 Nov 2010):
Last day at the school. Kids had fun having PE lessons with kiwi kids. Spent the last few hours thanking and saying goodbyes, not forgetting picture taking. Proceeded to the Marea at Turanga area. The experience at the marea was new and exciting as we had hangi for dinner and participated in learning maori songs, dance and the hakka. Accommodation was a communal sleeping and bathing area. Very simple but comfortable and cosy.

Day 6 (04 Nov 2010):
Left the marea and proceeded to bay of plenty. We went to a rocky shore and the activity for the day was to collect as many living marine creatures e.g. shell fish, hermit crabs, starfish etc in a basin provided. It amazes us to see the rich biodiversity of the country. After lunch, we climbed up a dormant volcano where we could have a bird's eye view of the area and the students were challenged to think of how to build a 200 room hotel at one of the off shore island. They had to present their ideas via a sandcastle. The day ended when we went to plant a tree each at a nearby wetland reserve in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint as well as to prevent soil erosion. Checked into a thermal lodge for a night's stay.

Day 7 (05 Nov 2010):
It was raining pretty heavily in the morning. After breakfast, we went to kiwi 360 for some souvenir shopping as well as to learn more about the kiwi orchards, to see how kiwis are planted and what makes NZ kiwis so special. Then we went to Comvita for the Manuka honey products and back to kiwi 360 for a debrief and reflection session. The last activity for the trip was to the Marshall's animal farm for us to see and feed the animals. I personally had to overcome my fear of feeding these animals. Felt really strange when I first fed the goats and lambs and feel the tongues licking my palm. After which, it's a 3 hour drive back to Auckland for us to have dinner, do some last minute shopping before we head to the airport.

Day 8 (06 Nov 2010):
Arrive in Singapore at 6.30 am. Tired and started missing NZ. It's a place I would definitely want to visit again!

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