Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In Loving Memory of E

It wasn't too long ago that the above photo was taken. They looked so happy and carefree. This is a picture I took of the class when I took them out for a field trip at Ford Motor Factory. Then, they were only starting Secondary Two. Who would have known that in this short time frame, one of them would bid goodbye to this world. Although E wasn't the most perfect of student, he was afterall my EL student of 2 years and not to mention, a beloved band member. Like all his band mates would recount, E showed exceptional musical talent. He joined band with absolutely no background, but yet, he would always be able to play the piece after hearing a senior demonstrate it. It was amazing. And it is no wonder he was eventually made the Drum Major.

God has arranged for mankind to experience trials and tribulations. And God's plan for E was to contract nose cancer at such a tender age, when everything was going so well for him in life. He fought courageously and remained optimistic throughout his treatment. Initially, he reacted well to chemotherapy. He was even well enough to play a solo piece at the annual school concert. But as fate would have it, his illness took a turn for the worse. His cancer had spread to his spinal cord and the doctors gave a final prognosis of a year. Nevertheless, God has decided to take home much earlier than the doctors had predicted. Many are saddened by his passing and took this hard.

To me, this is a timely reminder to all of us that life is fragile. It can slip away from you anytime. By the time you realise it, it is all too late for regrets. Therefore, it is so important that we live our life to the fullest each day, that there is no room for any regrets or "what ifs". And it is with the same mentality that I blog about all the beautiful things that happened in my life. I wish for this blog to be a reminder to those whom I love and those who love me; to remember that I had lived a beautiful and meaningful life. The bible says, "His plans are not your plans, neither is His will your will". Exactly, let's just celebrate all the little success and pleasures in our lives and to E, who is in the promised land, rest in peace.


  1. Hello Miss Song!:)

    i'm rebecca yap from 09 cohort! rmb we went to sarawak tgt 3 years back?
    I love reading your post, and really enjoy reading it:) You're a person could actually express your thoughts really well! and love the way you express it:) I do learned something while i'm reading your blog.Continue writing and i'm really happy to see you leading a good life too:D
    takecare,and God bless you ya:)

    With love,

  2. Hi Rebecca,

    Nice to hear from you. Never really thought someone will read my blog. Hehe. Anyway, glad that you enjoyed it. Keep in touch and God bless!
