Thursday, May 27, 2010

The value of a blog

At times I question myself for the purpose of me blogging. Afterall, I am quite a private and introverted person by nature. What is it that I want to achieve from my blog? Is it to show off the life I lead, the expensive things I buy, the classy restaurants that I visit or what? I could not give myself a good answer. But today, I kinda see the value of a blog. To remember a person by. To access his/her own most inner thoughts and feelings and to put ourselves in their shoes, so that we can better appreciate why this person feels or acts in a certain way.

Another of my former student passed away about 10 days ago. I was shocked at the news. I have never been close to her nor do I know her very well. But our fates crossed and I taught her for a year. Today, I chatted with one of her classmates on facebook and I asked about her death. She told me that the case is still being investigated and the authorities suspected suicide. However, none of her classmates agree with this deduction. To them, she was a happy girl. Yes, she has her own set of problems and frustrations, but by and large, she was fine.

I went to her blog, something I have never done before. She expressed tons of worries, stress and frustration over her results, 'O' levels and her strict and stubborn father. So while her classmates felt that she was happy, I suspect it was a facade she put up. Her writing clearly show the pain and her being at a loss over her situation at home. I am not in a position to say anything and I am writing this post with a heavy heart. At the start of this blog, I promised to record all the happiest things in my life but as the months passed, I have kind of deviated from my purpose. Nevertheless, I still feel that this post is important.

If any of my students should come across this blog, I would want them to know this. Life is NEVER a bed of roses. Our trials and tribulations are predetermined by God. But no matter how harsh life is or whatever impossible challenges you think you are facing, never give up on life. Once the storm is over, calm will return. When that happens, you emerge as a stronger person. Life is fragile and no one has the right to take it away, except God.

Rest in peace, M...

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