Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Singaporean in Paris

Finally found time to update the blog. I have been so insanely busy the past few weeks with the preparation of Speech Day. It is finally over!!!! Yay!!! Over the past weekend, I have been indulging myself with good food and a musical. It has been a really long time since I last watched a musical. The last was West Side Story in 2006. That was when my ex-boyfriend wanted to surprise me by purchasing the most expensive ticket.

On Sunday, we went to catch A Singaporean in Paris starring Hossan Leong and Emma Yong. This musical was staged as part of French Festival Singapore. I have always been a fan of Hossan, ever since I caught Chang and Eng. He is a natural actor on stage. He can act convincingly and oh... I love his powerful voice. And in this particular musical, he can even get his french accent right. For those who have come into contact with the language, you will know that it takes flair for one to pronounce it right. I know of people who have learnt the language for years and not be able to pronounce the "r" sound right. Some says that everything sounds sexier in french. To a certain extent, I agree with the statement. But the statement is only true if the person can pronounce his or her words well, with the right intonation, accent etc. etc.

A Singaporean in Paris is centred on this guy (Hossan Leong) who arrived in Paris in a cold January morning. Unfortunately for him, there was a metro strike and he had no choice but to pay a hefty amount to get himself into the city by cab. And how he had to go through all the red tapes to get his carte de sejour, how he had to cramp into his little bedroom up at the 7th story without an elevator and all the stuff that we, especially I, so familiar with if you have attempted a long stay in Paris. All these may not sound romantic at all, but as the French says, c'est la vie! And once you have settled down and get all the irritating administrative work out of your way, you will get your chance to savour and enjoy everything this city of lights has to offer. The year I spent in France is the most unforgettable time of my life. A time when I can dream endlessly, be involved in intelligent conversations, hang out with the coolest people and visit all the art galleries and museums that I can ever dream of. And of course, there is always that tempting and decadent french cuisine and wine.

The afternoon was made more complete and perfect with a visit to Brussels Sprouts for a lunch of moules et frites. Not forgetting the flavoured biere abricot. Yes, I know that is not french, but it's close enough. Afterall, we ate moules et frites all time at Chez Leon when I was studying in Paris. Ok, enough of dreaming... now it's time to get back to reality... I can't wait for next June to arrive. France, wait for me....

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