Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Comfort Food

I spent the last 2 days holing up at home healing the spots/rashes that appear out of nowhere. In those 2 days, I watched endless tv from morning to night to while away time. Dr. Oz, The Revolution, Chew etc... you name it, I watched it. In one episode of Chew, they talked about comfort food and the hosts cooked very American dishes like macaroni & cheese and chicken chop with waffles. This got me thinking of my own comfort food. It gotta be Japanese cuisine. Whenever I am feeling stressed or depressed, I will always ask for sashimi or udon or chawanmunshi. These food never fail to make me happier. I cannot imagine life without my Japanese curry rice, ramen or nigiri sushi. I am definitely someone who live to eat. With looming deadlines, presentations and endless marking, it is no wonder I had to have sushi for dinner this evening. Itadakimasu!

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