Sunday, August 21, 2011

Curry Fever

Whoever said that Singaporeans are a bunch of uncreative people must now take back their words. In view of the recent exposure of the Indian vs PRC neighbours mediation case, Singaporeans have taken the issue to FB, calling for a Cook and Share Curry day on 21 August 2011. Instead of taking to the streets to protest and destroy stuff, we choose to do it the most civil and practical way - cooking and eating. All these in the hope that our new immigrants can learn to better assimilate to our culture and society. So today is the day that marks my maiden's attempt at cooking curry. Thanks to the convenience of ready mixes, this is my contribution as a citizen of Singapore. If this is not active citizenry, I don't know what is!

Very happy with the final product. Yum! Sedap! Bon Appetit! Happy Curry Day to all!

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